Dimensions: 10,25 x 1,25 x 13.5 inch
A new appearance emerges in French apartments, imposing castles and provincial mansions.
In addition to the signature pieces of national identity, such as carefully processed wooden pieces, magnificent mirrors and the good -groomed sheets of the grandmother, the modern modern furniture in the middle of the century decorate environments in this sensitivity age.
In the houses photographed in France and the United States, easily mixed with painted furniture, abstract artworks, wool rugs from India and hand -embroidered sheets such as hand -embroidered sheets, finds and pots suitable for budget, craftsmanship pillows, mattresses and remote -controlled old textile products are seen. Markets in Morocco.
Betty Lou Phillips, ASID, is the author of a dozen books on French design, their latest book, The Allure of French and Italian Décor, French Impressions and Inspirations from France and Italy.